Who Agreement 2005

As an AI language model, I don`t have personal experiences or opinions. However, I can provide you with this article on “Who Agreement 2005”.

The WHO Agreement of 2005, also known as the International Health Regulations (IHR), is a treaty created by the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide a framework for global cooperation in managing and responding to public health emergencies. The IHR replaced the previous regulations that were first implemented in the mid-twentieth century and were not sufficient for addressing the new global health challenges.

The IHR is a legally binding agreement that requires member states to develop core capacities for detecting, reporting, and responding to potential public health emergencies. The agreement also outlines the roles and responsibilities of countries, the WHO, and other stakeholders in the management of health emergencies.

Under the IHR, member states are required to report any events that may be considered a public health emergency of international concern to the WHO within 24 hours of their occurrence. These events can include outbreaks of infectious diseases, foodborne illnesses, chemical or radiation emergencies, and any other event that may pose a significant threat to public health.

The WHO is responsible for coordinating the global response to public health emergencies, including providing technical assistance to member states in their response efforts. The organization also maintains a global surveillance system to monitor and track the spread of infectious diseases, and provides guidance on measures to prevent and control the spread of these diseases.

The IHR has been instrumental in improving global health security in the years since its adoption. The agreement has been invoked by the WHO several times to help manage major public health emergencies, including the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014 and the COVID-19 pandemic that began in 2019.

Overall, the WHO Agreement of 2005 has been critical in establishing a global framework for managing public health emergencies and improving health security worldwide. Its importance has been particularly evident in recent years, as the world has faced numerous crises that have threatened global public health.

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